Creating a sample of time sheet with some date and time functions. You will be able to calculate total hours and overtime hours.
Learned Excel Functions: FALSE(), IF(), INT(), SUM(), TIME(), WEEKDAY(), WEEKNUM()
Master date functions using the complaints data for a gym.
Learned Excel Functions: DATE(), EOMONTH(), FALSE(), IF(), TEXT(), TODAY(), TRUE(), WEEKDAY(), WEEKNUM()
Calculate work days considering holidays, weekends and number of days worked
Working on Social Security.
Learned Excel Functions: DATE(), IF(), ISEVEN(), ROUND(), ROUNDDOWN(), TODAY(), TRUE(), VLOOKUP(), YEARFRAC()
Learned Excel Functions: DAY(), MONTH(), YEAR()
Learned Excel Functions: TEXT()
Learned Excel Functions: NETWORKDAYS(), WEEKDAY(), WORKDAY()
Learned Excel Functions: WORKDAY.INTL()
Learned Excel Functions: NETWORKDAYS.INTL()
Learned Excel Functions: NOW(), TODAY()
Learned Excel Functions: EMONTH()
Learned Excel Functions: EDATE()
Making more practice by using TODAY() and NOW() functions
Changing cell properties as date formats.
Making more practice by using text functions for date operations.
Learned Excel Functions: TEXT(), TODAY()
Making more practice by using date functions.
Learned Excel Functions: DATE(), DAY(), MONTH(), TODAY(), YEAR()
Learned Excel Functions: TRUE(), WEEKDAY(), WEEKNUM()
Making more practice by using workday function.
Learned Excel Functions: WORKDAY(), WORKDAY.INTL()
Making more practice by using networkday function.
Making more practice by using time functions.
Learned Excel Functions: HOUR(), MINUTE(), SUM()
Date functions and their formatting using real world cases
Rating Count : 2
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