Create a "Travel Budget" sample.
Learned Excel Functions: REPT(), SUM(), SUMIF()
Calculate the earnings of top models based on scenarios
Learned Excel Functions: AND(), FALSE(), IF(), OR(), TRUE()
Working on Social Security.
Learned Excel Functions: DATE(), IF(), ISEVEN(), ROUND(), ROUNDDOWN(), TODAY(), TRUE(), VLOOKUP(), YEARFRAC()
Using Nested IF.
Learned Excel Functions: FALSE(), IF(), INDEX(), MATCH(), MAX(), RANK(), SUM(), TRUE()
Calculate vacation days based on years worked and other conditions
Learned Excel Functions: FALSE(), IF(), INT(), OR(), TODAY(), TRUE(), YEARFRAC()
Checking formulas results with Iphone-Samsung sales.
Learned Excel Functions: AVERAGE(), CHOOSE(), FALSE(), IF(), IFERROR(), MATCH(), SUM(), VLOOKUP()
Getting values with VLOOKUP:
Learned Excel Functions: DATE(), FALSE(), IF(), TODAY(), TRUE(), VLOOKUP()
Matching nested IF() and IFS() functions.
Learned Excel Functions: FALSE(), IF(), IFS(), TRUE()
Using MAXIFS() and MINIFS() at a basic level.
Learned Excel Functions: MAX(), MAXIFS(), MIN(), MINIFS()
Making more practice by using IF() function.
Learned Excel Functions: IF()
Making more practice by using IF() and OR() functions.
Making more practice by using SUMIFS(), COUNTIFS() and AVERAGEIFS() functions.
Learned Excel Functions: AVERAGEIFS(), COUNTIFS(), SUMIFS()
Learned Excel Functions: ISBLANK(), ISNUMBER(), ISTEXT()
Learned Excel Functions: AND(), OR()
Learned Excel Functions: AND(), IF(), OR()
Learned Excel Functions: SUMIFS()
Learned Excel Functions: COUNTIFS()
Adding values that meet a single criteria by using SUMIF(), AVERAGEIF() and COUNTIF() functions.
Learned Excel Functions: AVERAGEIF(), COUNTIF(), SUMIF()
Learned Excel Functions: IF(), LEN(), MONTH(), SUM(), YEAR()
Making more practice by using IF() and AND() functions.
Learn how to make decisions based on conditions in Excel, the must for a everyday user
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