Create a handy trigonometry cheat sheet for commonly used angles.
Learned Excel Functions: COS(), RADIANS(), SIN(), TAN()
Round your sales data do decimals, nearest thousand and many more
Learned Excel Functions: CEILING(), FLOOR(), INT(), ROUND(), ROUNDDOWN(), ROUNDUP()
Formating cell range which are formatted different type.
Using some specific functions.
Learned Excel Functions: LOG(), PI(), POWER(), SQRT(), VLOOKUP()
Understanding formulas with "Sales" operations.
Learned Excel Functions: AVERAGE(), FALSE(), RANK(), SUM(), TRIMMEAN(), TRUE(), VLOOKUP()
Learned Excel Functions: LARGE(), SMALL()
Learned Excel Functions: ROUND(), ROUNDDOWN(), ROUNDUP()
Learned Excel Functions: COUNT(), COUNTA(), COUNTBLANK()
Learned Excel Functions: SUMPRODUCT()
Learned Excel Functions: POWER()
Math and basic statistical functions with real world cases
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