Excel row Function Tips

Performing The Three Dimensional Lookup

Two dimensional lookup is obvious – we have a header row and a column and we want to look at the intersection of the two criteria’s.

Averaging The 5 Lowest Values In Your Data!

Let’s assume you are a math’s teacher interested in finding the average of the math’s score of last five students – he is interested in finding why they are performing poor. How will he proceed? 

Finding if a Number if Prime!

Prime Numbers are numbers that are only divisible by their selves. In this small tutorial we will guide you how to find if a number is prime or not.

Plotting Trajectory Of Projectile

Have you ever thrown a pebble in water? You must have in your childhood! The pebble follows not a straight line but a parabolic path.

How To Sum Every Nth Row In Excel

It is not uncommon that we want to sum data on the basis of certain criteria – on the basis of weeks, months, every tenth day and so on.

How To Quickly Delete Blank Rows In Excel

Deleting rows are usually done by two methods as explained below.

How To Show Changing Performance With Stock Exchange Tickers!

The up and down arrows on stock exchange information board is the life line of trading business.

Excel Training

The world has been growing rapidly over the past few decades. Today modern technology has completely changed our lifestyle and is adding a lot to our daily lives

Online Training For Excel

A spreadsheet is a sheet consisting of rows and columns which intersect with each other to form cell. Data are entered in each cell for calculation, storage or manipulation. Excel is collection of electronic spreadsheets

How To Learn Excel? Start And Master With These Resources

A spreadsheet is an electronic document formed by the combination of rows and columns marked with a grid. Excel is a matrix and powerful platform and a massive program.

Reversing Rows with Power Query Feature In Excel


Power Query allows the execution of several steps in series for the basic purpose of transformation of data present in Excel.

COUNTROWS In Excel Power Pivot

Measures is amongst the most important and highly powerful features in Power Pivot. Measures are actually the calculations or formulas you add to the Pivot Table. Below is an example of it.

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables

Excel has pivot tables that offer different types of calculations. You can start off with it by selecting the ‘Show Values As’ option. Then you can get the calculation of the ‘Percent of Row Total’ as well.

Group Rows And Get Counts Using Power Query

Power Query is a very strong tool available in Excel. It allows you to perform different types of transformations on your data.

Transpose Data In Excel Quickly

In case you need to transpose a dataset in Excel, that is, you want to convert the columns into rows and vice versa, it is very hard to do that manually.

Display Parent Row Total Percentage Using Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables

Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables have many functions available through the option of Show Values As. One particular calculation can be used to display the Parent Row Total Percentage.

Microsoft Excel: Using Conditional Formatting To Make Heat Map

A data set’s comparative view can easily be represented visually with the aid of a heat map

Creating a Case Sensitive VLOOKUP

Normally, the VLOOKUP function lookup function is normally not sensitive to case

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel

Inserting rows in between selected rows, is one of the most necessary and important functions we require when working in excel worksheets.

Getting power and logarithm of a number

Using POWER() and LOG() formulas.

Getting the row and column number of a cell

Using ROW() and COLUMN() functions.