In business, several tools are used to analyze data. One of such tools is the histogram. The histogram is a chart, which has chart columns that signify how frequent a variable is present.
It is possible to apply step chart if you intend to monitor changes that occur at different times. This could include interest rates, tax rate, petrol and milk products.
Power Pivot is basically an Excel tool that was first introduced to the public in the year 2010. What exactly is meant by Power Pivot?
Raw data in most cases, are often in a form that is of no major benefits to the users due to the fact that they are messy.
Measures is a very powerful and vital feature in Power Pivot. Measures are fields that have been calculated in the 2013 version of Microsoft Excel and have been included in a Pivot Table.
If you are wondering what the top ten formulas are, then you should really consider acknowledging the fact that there is no standard list of the perfect ten formulas for each individual.
Excel does not only have the ability to handle small data but also very big data as well. Big data can be described as data that has a high variety, high velocity or high volume. High variety entails huge shape of data which changes quickly over a period of time.
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